Land area 35 Cents.
Property will be sold as single or plots.
Compound wall with gate, Tar road frontage, Lorry access.
Near to Corporation Stadium.
50 meters from Koliyoor Junction.
Property situated in Keezhoor Bus route.
Rectangular plot, Having coconut trees.
Ideal for Residential or Commercial Purpose.
MG College of Engineering, Christ Nagar School, Church, Market, Shopping Complex, Bank, School, Hospital etc are in 1 km radius.
C.G Complex - 1 Km.
Agricultural College - 1.5 Kms.
Pachalloor Junction - 3.5 Kms.
Vizhinjam - 4 Kms.
East Fort - 9 Kms.
Price : 3.50 Lakhs /cent (Negotiable)
Click to view Owner Phone Number
Property will be sold as single or plots.
Compound wall with gate, Tar road frontage, Lorry access.
Near to Corporation Stadium.
50 meters from Koliyoor Junction.
Property situated in Keezhoor Bus route.
Rectangular plot, Having coconut trees.
Ideal for Residential or Commercial Purpose.
MG College of Engineering, Christ Nagar School, Church, Market, Shopping Complex, Bank, School, Hospital etc are in 1 km radius.
C.G Complex - 1 Km.
Agricultural College - 1.5 Kms.
Pachalloor Junction - 3.5 Kms.
Vizhinjam - 4 Kms.
East Fort - 9 Kms.
Price : 3.50 Lakhs /cent (Negotiable)
Click to view Owner Phone Number